Now I know what you're thinking. What about Vel'kar is fun? I've done the mission already. The normal one was pretty easy, and the hard one was hard but I checked out Argeiphontes video on it and then it was all A-OK. Why Vel'kar?
There is one good reason you should try battling Vel'Kar again. Every single unit in the mission has 1000 supply. That's right, 1000. That's 1000 Drones, 1000 Tarsiers, 1000 Walls.
So the method is, get 9 tarsiers on either Vel'kar mission, then go to town on drones and vivid drones. Your econ will eventually get huge, and then you can go nuts on tech and units until you have an army the likes the world has never seen. Also 9 Tarsiers means he can never build enough to beat you, and you will never kill him.
Ever wanted to anger Vegeta even more? Try overdefending for over 9000.
Now before I say go, I should warn you that maybe this isn't possible with a low powered computer, and this will cause a LOT of lag, but you can go to heights never even thought possible in Prismata if your computer can handle it. Please note that if you do want to have fun with Vel'kar, do so at your own risk. I don't know what adverse effects exactly come about by having this many objects in a flash thingo, and I don't want you guys to burn out your computers either, so know how much your graphics card can handle before trying this one out.
However, I did want to see exactly how much attack you can get before you utterly obliterate poor Vel'kar with a ridiculous army. My brother (TheEvasive1), who helped me with this endeavor said it was 4322, I'm pretty sure. At any rate, I wasn't able to get a screenshot before my browser crashed, and I would love to see what you guys can do with this.
The key for max attack is to build all the Steelsplitters and Rhinos, Then build all the Tarsiers on one turn, and then as many Shadowfangs as possible the next. Make sure you have about 8.5k gold (heheh) before building Tarsiers, just to make sure you have enough for 1000 Tarsiers and 666 Shadowfangs. (I always knew they were satan.)
Feel free to PM me screenshots of the highest attack you were able to achieve with Vel'kar and I will put a couple of the screenshots here.
Thanks for reading, neXi ^^
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