Thursday, 7 May 2015

Fun with Baetron

Hello again, neXi here. Today I want to talk a unit that is very close to my heart whenever I play Prismata, and that's this glorious mono green lady right here. I don't know if you can tell quite how much I like the unit, but maybe the name of this blog gives it away.

I introduce, Baetron. Yes, with a B. If you don't quite get it, I recommend searching urban dictionary for the word 'Bae'.

But there are a lot of awesome things that this unit can do. First things first, this unit at the very least, at the very basic level, can function like an energy matrix by absorbing 4 damage every turn, however, this is very much sub-optimal.  It's click ability is very powerful, and 7 damage just so happens to be a lot of damage.

But there is another unit that involves having 7 damage. It's this glorious polygamous elephant right here!

I get all the bitches.

Yes, normally you need 7 Grills ( to get Arka naked, but Baetron can do it all by herself! In fact there is an opening with these two units on the player 2 side that allows you to get this glorious 7 HP hairless armored mammoth out on turn 7.

First things first, for the opening on P2 side, the line I normally use to get Xaetron out on turn 5 is something like this.

Turn 1: Drone, Drone.
Turn 2: Drone, Drone, Conduit.
Turn 3: Drone, Drone, Conduit.
Turn 4: Drone, Drone, Blastforge/Animus.

I think I'll make a note here that I personally like the Blastforge opening here better most of the time unless you're trying to punish a higher economy start.

Turn 5: Baetron, Wall/Tarsier/Rhino/2 Drones

Note that this turn, you can spend the last 7 gold on whatever you like. If there is a random set unit you can get with that extra 7 gold, then go for it.

This is the best position to be in when you go for an early Xaetron in my opinion. You can always go for tech with the extra gold aswell and really shore up whatever build you go for.

Also PLEASE for the love of god, don't block with Xaetron the first turn. 8 Health is the sweet spot for Xaetron, as it allows you to click without it dying. It can't get there the next turn if you absorb so much as 1 damage on it.

Your field should look something like this:

It's only turn 6 because this was taken on the P1's turn x.x

To get Arka from there, all you need to do left is the turn after, click Baetron, get the tech for Arka, and then you can build it the next turn.

So, like this:

In fact, Xaetron doesn't just have synergy with Arka in getting him out, you can block with Arka to build up Xaetron's health pool, Block again, and then attack for 11 having Xaetron block when Arka Attacks. Just keep blocking with Arka until you can fire Xaetron, then attack for a high amount of burst. 

Xaetron also works with other combo units, like Wincer, Scorchilla and Antima Comet. Especially because you already have the tech required for all but the triple red and triple blue units. Additionally, adding extra damage with Xaetron doesn't cost any resources, so you can still ramp up pressure when going for a combo using the rest of your resources. 

A lot of people compare Xaetron to 3 and a half Iso Kronus', which I think is apt, however you can't hold back Iso Kronus, and there are rewards to holding back Xaetron. Either you can block with it, or you can let it sit there and get to 11 HP, and click it twice in a row. 

Regardless, I've been having a blast with the new unit, and hopefully knowing how to get it out early will keep you in charge (teehee) of the game.

Thanks for reading, neXi. ^^

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