Tuesday 19 May 2015

Fun with Velkar

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I posted, last week has been super hectic. To make up for it, I'm going to show you all the fun you can have with our favourite cuddly robot boss.


Now I know what you're thinking. What about Vel'kar is fun? I've done the mission already. The normal one was pretty easy, and the hard one was hard but I checked out Argeiphontes video on it and then it was all A-OK. Why Vel'kar?

There is one good reason you should try battling Vel'Kar again. Every single unit in the mission has 1000 supply. That's right, 1000. That's 1000 Drones, 1000 Tarsiers, 1000 Walls.

So the method is, get 9 tarsiers on either Vel'kar mission, then go to town on drones and vivid drones. Your econ will eventually get huge, and then you can go nuts on tech and units until you have an army the likes the world has never seen. Also 9 Tarsiers means he can never build enough to beat you, and you will never kill him.

Ever wanted to anger Vegeta even more? Try overdefending for over 9000.

Now before I say go, I should warn you that maybe this isn't possible with a low powered computer, and this will cause a LOT of lag, but you can go to heights never even thought possible in Prismata if your computer can handle it. Please note that if you do want to have fun with Vel'kar, do so at your own risk. I don't know what adverse effects exactly come about by having this many objects in a flash thingo, and I don't want you guys to burn out your computers either, so know how much your graphics card can handle before trying this one out.

However, I did want to see exactly how much attack you can get before you utterly obliterate poor Vel'kar with a ridiculous army. My brother (TheEvasive1), who helped me with this endeavor said it was 4322, I'm pretty sure. At any rate, I wasn't able to get a screenshot before my browser crashed, and I would love to see what you guys can do with this. 

The key for max attack is to build all the Steelsplitters and Rhinos, Then build all the Tarsiers on one turn, and then as many Shadowfangs as possible the next. Make sure you have about 8.5k gold (heheh) before building Tarsiers, just to make sure you have enough for 1000 Tarsiers and 666 Shadowfangs. (I always knew they were satan.)

Feel free to PM me screenshots of the highest attack you were able to achieve with Vel'kar and I will put a couple of the screenshots here.

Thanks for reading, neXi ^^

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Fun with Hellhound and Chrono Filter!

Hey guys, neXi here.

I recently discovered a cute little opening involving the two units in the title, Hellhound and Chrono Filter. This opening works for Player 2, as you need 7 drones for the first turn.

"More engis please NOMNOMNOM"

Here's the opening:

1. Drone, Chrono Filter.
2. Drone, Hellhound.
3. Drone, Drone, Drone.

There are a few reasons why this opening is great. 

It gives you a point of damage on turn 2, which means you get to snipe engineers. This is extremely good in the early game, as getting 2 gold value for a damage point is nice, and it hinders high econ starts. If they want to go for a higher econ start, they have to get more engineer(s) every turn, which is annoying at the very least to build around.

This build transitions very well into most other builds. Having 12 drones, and 3 engineers is fine on turn 3, as you get to build into pretty much whatever tech you like from there. You can also just keep droning into a heavy economy start, or you can get an animus with Chrono Filter for some more aggressive transitions into the mid-game.

Hopefully next time you see these two units in the set, you can try this opening and have a good time eating your opponents unlucky energy producers.

Thanks for reading, neXi.

Monday 11 May 2015

Defend! - Shadowfang Rush.

Hey guys, neXi here, and this blog post is probably gonna be a little bit bigger than normal. I'm doing a series where I show how to defend certain rushes that are tricky to deal with, particularly if you've only played against them once or twice.

Today, we're going to talk about defending a rush from this angry ruffian.


I'm sure most players have lost to a nasty rush from this nasty feline before, so it's probably a good idea to know how to defend it. First things first, if this is the fastest thing in the set and there aren't many other good options, then you should be ready for this rush.

There is certainly a way to defend it with just base set, but before we begin I think it's important to note that if there is another line within the random set that beats it, like perhaps something like protoplasm, then maybe going something like that is better.

The specific rush I will be talking about is the P2 turn 3 double Animus rush. This is known as the 12-Fang. The build goes something like this:

1: Drone, Drone.
2: Drone, Drone.
3: Drone, Animus, Animus.
4: Shadowfang, Rhino.

This is a very powerful line of play that inhibits any heavily defensive, high econ, or just low pressure strategies. Especially because the P2 can get a Shadowfang and a Rhino every turn until he is forced to defend with more Rhinos or Engineers.

However there is a way in the base set to defend this rush. However, it's important that getting a single animus on turn 3 will not lose you the game due to other units in the random set. Usually if they aren't going to go for this strategy, Player 2 will spend the other 4 gold, on a conduit or an engineer on turn 2.

The counter-play to this rush for Player 1 is the following line of play.

1: Drone, Drone.
2: Drone, Drone.
3: Drone, Drone, Animus.
4: Tarsier, Tarsier, Drone.
5: Rhino, Rhino, Engineer, Engineer.

From here, the board should look something like this:

The problem for Player 2 at this point is that when the Shadowfang comes online, it attacks for 2, but this only kills an engineer, and the Rhino cannot attack because it has to defend. Player 2 also has to build a Rhino, only to immediately sacrifice a 2 energy rhino, which is hugely inefficient. It's much clearer that Player 1 is winning when they just repeat turn 5 again the next turn.

The Drone is left back so that holding back drones to stop the Player 2 attacking with the Rhino to attempt to kill a Rhino (however sub-optimal this line of play is or isn't.)

This turn coming, Player 2 has to build 2 Rhinos and immediately sacrifice them, barely defending. After next turns attack from Player 1, Player 1 is able to defend with the Rhinos without energy left. Player 1 is clearly winning here, as Player 2's defense gets more difficult, and Player 1's Defense gets much easier.

Now that we know how to beat a standard P2 Shadowfang rush, I think it's important to look at random units in the set that could complicate things. 

The following units are regarded as the most synergistic units with the Shadowfang rush are these units:

All of these units have the potential to make Shadowfang rushes even nastier than they normally are. Perforator allows the dreaded Player 1 10-Fang rush to have a flexible blocker the turn after it starts, and frostbite allows the Rushing player to add even more breach pressure with any spare gold, particularly when the player goes double rhino in the 12-fang rush.

Corpus allows the shadowfang player to defend very easily, easier than before. The same can be said for blood pact, being able to defend in a tight shadowfang set is important, and both units allow you to defend for a few turns relatively easily.

As for other counters, It was rumoured that going Blue-Green base set could stop the 12-fang rush, however when I tested it with one of the more seasoned players in the game, I found that there was a timing for the shadowfang rusher to get a blastforge when a few of the Rhinos ran out of energy. Replay is here: ZU@J0-Ck7Cg

If you think the line for this one could have been played differently with a different outcome, let me know! I'm happy to take a look at it.

Hopefully this helps you in dealing with Shadowfang rushes.

Thanks for reading, neXi.

Friday 8 May 2015

Plexo Cell's Redeeming Qualities

One day in the prismatic arena, where all the commanders play hard and making a single mistake can be the end of your army, neXi made a dumb mistake when he pushed buttons too fast by building an extra conduit in a Xeno guardian into Redeemer opening.


"Hey buddy, you know that's not a blastforge, right?"

The game wasn't over just yet, it was just beginning, but obviously my opponent was going to beat me in this opening, however my opponent opted to build Xeno Guardian into more income, perhaps looking to put down more pressure the next turn. I looked hard at the set, trying to come up with a solution. 

The next turn the opponent teched into blue, Then I teched into blue, then he built a Xeno. By this time, I had 6 green saved up, and then I noticed my lord and savior.

Plexo cell and redeemer were certainly an interesting combo, and I figured if he was going to delay in putting pressure on me, I could Plexo cell and Redeemer on the same turn, without heavily telegraphing what I was doing like you usually would if you were going to go into Redeemers. 

The first Redeemer I lost an engineer for, but the second one was absorbed onto the first redeemer. Even though you are prone to green flooding with a build like this, you can mass Redeemers very quickly, and your opponent will more often than not be unable to see it coming.

I found this synergy to be super cool, and it allows you to mass damage ridiculously fast. If your opponent has less than 4 damage, then you can build a third easily aswell. Or you can build more engineers the turn before and force it if you really want to. You can also skip a turn to build a wall, and then go for a 3rd.

Thanks for reading, neXi ^^

Thursday 7 May 2015

Fun with Baetron

Hello again, neXi here. Today I want to talk a unit that is very close to my heart whenever I play Prismata, and that's this glorious mono green lady right here. I don't know if you can tell quite how much I like the unit, but maybe the name of this blog gives it away.

I introduce, Baetron. Yes, with a B. If you don't quite get it, I recommend searching urban dictionary for the word 'Bae'.

But there are a lot of awesome things that this unit can do. First things first, this unit at the very least, at the very basic level, can function like an energy matrix by absorbing 4 damage every turn, however, this is very much sub-optimal.  It's click ability is very powerful, and 7 damage just so happens to be a lot of damage.

But there is another unit that involves having 7 damage. It's this glorious polygamous elephant right here!

I get all the bitches.

Yes, normally you need 7 Grills (http://prismata.gamepedia.com/Pixie) to get Arka naked, but Baetron can do it all by herself! In fact there is an opening with these two units on the player 2 side that allows you to get this glorious 7 HP hairless armored mammoth out on turn 7.

First things first, for the opening on P2 side, the line I normally use to get Xaetron out on turn 5 is something like this.

Turn 1: Drone, Drone.
Turn 2: Drone, Drone, Conduit.
Turn 3: Drone, Drone, Conduit.
Turn 4: Drone, Drone, Blastforge/Animus.

I think I'll make a note here that I personally like the Blastforge opening here better most of the time unless you're trying to punish a higher economy start.

Turn 5: Baetron, Wall/Tarsier/Rhino/2 Drones

Note that this turn, you can spend the last 7 gold on whatever you like. If there is a random set unit you can get with that extra 7 gold, then go for it.

This is the best position to be in when you go for an early Xaetron in my opinion. You can always go for tech with the extra gold aswell and really shore up whatever build you go for.

Also PLEASE for the love of god, don't block with Xaetron the first turn. 8 Health is the sweet spot for Xaetron, as it allows you to click without it dying. It can't get there the next turn if you absorb so much as 1 damage on it.

Your field should look something like this:

It's only turn 6 because this was taken on the P1's turn x.x

To get Arka from there, all you need to do left is the turn after, click Baetron, get the tech for Arka, and then you can build it the next turn.

So, like this:

In fact, Xaetron doesn't just have synergy with Arka in getting him out, you can block with Arka to build up Xaetron's health pool, Block again, and then attack for 11 having Xaetron block when Arka Attacks. Just keep blocking with Arka until you can fire Xaetron, then attack for a high amount of burst. 

Xaetron also works with other combo units, like Wincer, Scorchilla and Antima Comet. Especially because you already have the tech required for all but the triple red and triple blue units. Additionally, adding extra damage with Xaetron doesn't cost any resources, so you can still ramp up pressure when going for a combo using the rest of your resources. 

A lot of people compare Xaetron to 3 and a half Iso Kronus', which I think is apt, however you can't hold back Iso Kronus, and there are rewards to holding back Xaetron. Either you can block with it, or you can let it sit there and get to 11 HP, and click it twice in a row. 

Regardless, I've been having a blast with the new unit, and hopefully knowing how to get it out early will keep you in charge (teehee) of the game.

Thanks for reading, neXi. ^^

Wednesday 6 May 2015

neXi's Quick Tips - 1

Hey guys, I'm neXianXavia, and currently I'm a Tier 9 player in Prismata. I'm not the best player around, but I have accumulated a good amount of knowledge in game about a bunch of the units, and have played a lot of the game.

I thought I'd jot down some tips for newer players who have just started laddering, or are still learning the fundamentals of the game. These tips are pretty unit specific, however there may be units that do similar things that this applies to as well.

Here we go!

  • Damage wins games. Make sure you build damage first, and then defend. Even if you have a superior economy and defense, if you don't have enough damage so that your opponent can't defend, you won't win the game.
  • Use your first turn to plan your build out. Going in with a plan on how to play a set is far better than building whatever unit is good and hoping to win.
  • Count next turn's gold! Drones can be counted from left to right, with a white mark every 5. Alternatively, you can turn on resource production in the options menu under HUD options!
  • Always do freeze math when defending against Frostbites, Nivo charges, and Cryo Rays. Know what they can and cannot freeze, and then count the best possible freeze vs the best possible block. Often opponents will have to overfreeze things (for example, using a frostbite on a forcefield), even when using freeze in the most efficient way, so the counter on the right may not be accurate, and if you rely on just that, you will often be over-defending!

  • Don't fire Odin unless you're going to breach! Losing a steelsplitter to not breach is generally an awful trade to make. You will lose 1 damage from steelsplitters you would have next turn each turn you do this.

  • Xeno Guardian is very efficient, and it is usually usually strong to open with unless the set is heavy red with few other good blue or green units.
Hopefully these tips help some of you guys out, and let you stumble a little bit less when learning the game. 

Thanks for reading, neXi ^^